As we know there are lots of tools out there to research keyword for blog post. I usually do manually research. Anyway we will talk about that later how to do that. 2 things you need to do initially.

Great sets of Keywords for the post has to be found.
As i said just need to build up a large set of relevant keywords initially. This can be done with google keyword planer. We also can use traffic travis which will show you daily search volume of your selected keyword.
This thing you are doing only to get ideas of area of your keyword choice. Thats it. Check some forum , social media sites to get idea what people are asking most. This part is done under manually research. Anyway we will talk a great details about complete research of keywords later through post or videos. One thing is for sure this is the process of starting of your research. You can use Google trends to boost up your SEO as it have lots of options to check out whether the keywords are perfect or not for SEO.
This will bring you targeted keywords. Which will bring you lots of traffic as well as money with it.
Use tools
Target keyword
Research on it.
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